A scholarship that saves lives!

Serve, save, succeed.

Empowering high school students with a passion for community service, this scholarship program provides opportunities to support their educational goals.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Must be a high school senior in Kern County.
  • Must meet at least one of the following criteria:
    • Donated blood during your past academic year.
    • Served as an HCBB Ambassador at your high school.
    • Volunteered with HCBB during the 2024-2025 academic year.

One-Page Essay

Eligible students must also submit a one-page essay (approximately 250 words) responding to the following prompt:


“Describe how partnering with Houchin Blood Bank has impacted your life. In your essay, share how you would inspire young people to donate blood or raise awareness about its importance.”

Application Acceptance Period: Jan 27 - Feb 28 of 2025

Scholarship Fund: Houchin will award $500 scholarships to 12 recipients.

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