People in our community need blood transfusions to survive.
You can help. By hosting a mobile blood drive at your business or organization, you’ll bring an entire community of people together to donate blood, platelets or plasma. You save the day, and your community saves more lives.
Nothing boosts morale and pride like rallying your team to save lives!
But you need help and resources to make it happen.
That’s why Houchin operates mobile blood
drives and makes it easy for generous businesses and organizations to lead their
communities and save lives.
Together Our Community can Stop the Shortage.
Nothing boosts morale and pride like rallying your team to save lives!
But you need help and resources to make it happen.
That’s why West Coast Blood Center operates mobile blood
drives and makes it easy for generous businesses and organizations to lead their
communities and save lives.
Want to host a blood drive for
your team or community?
Sign up and get excited
Click the link below to fill out a quick contact form, and one of our friendly team members will be in
We’ll help you organize a smooth and successful event.
Make room for part of our lifesaver fleet
On the big day, we’ll roll up to your business or organization, and your community will roll up their sleeves to save lives!
It might pinch for a split second, but the impact will literally last a lifetime.
People live
One pint of blood can save up to three lives. When your community comes together arm in arm, how many lives could you save? Let’s go all in for more happy stories.
From recruitment tools to marketing materials, we’ll have your back every step of the way.
When you give, people live!
Tell us a little about your business
to host a blood drive:
Knowing could save your life, and lots of others.
If you don't know your blood type, we can help you find out!