No one should lose their life
over a blood shortage.

Contact Houchin Community Blood Bank to ensure you have the blood supply you need.

No one should lose their life
over a blood shortage.

Contact West Coast Blood Center to ensure you have the blood supply you need.

we have enough to you have enough

We’ve been providing blood to hospitals and trauma centers for 70 years and
continue to fulfill the needs of our communities. We resource-share across
all fifty states, and are affiliated with the most trusted blood supply organizations.

Together, we can stop the shortage, and save lives.

Have a supply need at your hospital?

blood drop with #1


We’ll discuss your hospital’s needs, and how our integrated systems can help.

two blood drops

with us

Your staff will have the blood, platelets and plasma they need, when they need it.

three blood drops


With a complete and reliable supply of blood products, more patients will survive, and your hospital will remain vital to saving lives in the community.

we offer...

Whole blood

  • AS-1 Red Blood Cells, CPDA-1

  • Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP)



  • Platelets

  • Plasma

  • AS-3 Red Blood Cells

  • Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP)